Feb 24, 2015
ADHD adults and children are at greater risk for developing mood disorders than their non-ADHD peers. William Dodson, M.D., explains how to identify the symptoms and treat comorbid depression.
Feb 18, 2015
Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., identifies the cognitive, biological, and emotional risk factors that usually lead to diet failure, and outlines his proven mindful eating system for helping ADHD adults lose weight.
Feb 10, 2015
Adults and children with ADHD are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder than their peers. Thomas Brown, Ph.D., explains why, how to differentiate symptoms of anxiety from those of ADHD, and which condition to treat first.
Feb 3, 2015
Surprise—procrastination isn't actually a time-management problem, it's an emotion-management problem. Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., shares proven strategies to stop avoiding tasks and start seeing them through.