Jun 24, 2014
One in 20 kids was diagnosed with ADHD in the 1980s and '90s. One in nine is diagnosed with the condition today. Dr. Stephen Hinshaw explains what's behind this rise in ADHD diagnoses.
Jun 17, 2014
Nutrition detective Kelly Dorfman gives the lowdown on food dyes, gluten sensitivity, and ADHD; the culprit foods you should eliminate from your child's diet; and key nutrients your child probably isn't getting enough of.
Jun 10, 2014
Shame, anger, guilt, hopelessness - feelings like these can take over and cause an ADHDer to get "stuck" at school, at work, or in relationships. Dr. Thomas Brown brings attention to the unrecognized role emotions play in our lives.
Jun 5, 2014
Standard discipline tactics, like offering rewards for good behavior, don't work for kids with ODD. Dr. William Dodson describes the medications and behavior programs that do make a difference, and why parents shouldn't delay treatment.
Jun 3, 2014
Tired of nagging your ADHD kid? Ann Dolin, M.Ed., teaches parents how to inspire initiative in your child. The turnaround can start by spending just 15 minutes a day doing something he likes together.