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Mar 27, 2018

The textbook definition of ADHD fails to reflect the condition's complexity. William Dodson, M.D., discusses why we must be interested in order to start a task, why feelings of shame are so common among adults with ADHD, and more.

Mar 20, 2018

It's not a coincidence that many of the world’s top CEOs have ADHD. Learn why from successful entrepreneur Ken "Bucky" Buckman, who feels that his "symptoms" turned out to be business advantages.

Mar 13, 2018

Are you over-parenting your teen with ADHD? Instead, learn from Adam Price, Ph.D., how to become his (or her) biggest ally as he develops greater independence and discovers the keys to self-motivation.

Mar 6, 2018

As a woman with ADHD, it’s easy to lose yourself in day-to-day chaos. Linda Roggli explains how to "reframe" negative ADHD behaviors, rebuild your self-compassion, and gather the courage to live your passions, without apology or regret.